joi, 6 septembrie 2012

Earn your UPGRADES on many sites !

   Salut !

  In aceasta postare voi dezvalui o cale gratuita de a obtine upgrade pe diferite site-uri care au ca profil promovarea de oferte.

  Site-uri gen Traffic Exchange, Text Ad Exchange, Safelist, List Builders  - contin in sectiunea "Use Upgrade Code" o casuta unde se poate insera un cod.Acest cod , care va permite sa treci la un nivel superior, si sa obti astfel, mai multe avantaje, il vei obtine pe acest site: EARN YOUR UPGRADE.

   Click here:

    Pentru a obtine acest cod este necesar sa vizualizezi alte oferte pentru care se castiga credite.

   Site-ul ofera ca bonus la inscriere 5000 de credite.Atunci cand ajungi la minim 10 000 de credite, vei accesa sectiunea "Spend Credits Here" , unde vei alege site-ul la care esti inscris sau doresti sa te inscri si vei obtine un upgrade.

   Avantajele obtinerii gratuite a unui upgrade sunt multiple: in primul rand, se obtin mai multe banere, linkuri, si alte forme de publicitate pentru orice oferta, site sau blog.

In al 2-lea rand, atunci cand sunt adusi alti utilizatori in sistem, comisioanele cresc la aprox.50 % din venitul obtinut ca urmare a veniturilor obtinute de acel site de la acesti utilizatori.

   Foloseste acest site si vei avea numai de castigat.


  Stop Paying For Upgrades!
Wouldn't It Be Nice If You Didn't Have to Pay for Upgrades?

  Let's face it, at any membership style website you join the upgraded members get all the benefits. You're pretty much limited as a free member as to how many ads you can post, how often you can post them, how many people you can mail to, how many sites you can advertise....

Click here:

Earn Your Upgrade

gives you another way to get upgraded accounts without paying out of your clicking ads and earning credits which you can trade for upgraded memberships at participating websites in our network. Not only can you get upgraded memberships they all come with some pretty nice advertising packages too!
  Refer others and earn even more credits from their efforts! When your referrals click ads you get credits equal to 15% of what they earn!

  Currently there are 28 sites in our network which consist of List Builders, Safelists, Ad Exchanges and Traffic Exchanges. Because we want you to help you get your first upgrade, for a limited time we're going to Give You 5000 Credits to get you started. That will get you **halfway** to your first upgrade! These credits will be added to your Earn Your Upgrade account automatically upon confirming your account

  So Signup Now and take advantage of this offer!

     To our success, 
